mercredi 8 juillet 2020

My Thoughts On Antifa!!

Most of the members of Antifa are a bunch of white, confused, entitled, ungrateful, violent baboons who've been living in their basements while mommy & daddy coddle them and fund their animalistic behavior. Poor parenting; too much TV & video games; idle hands; delusional ideals; and public education have turned these monkeys into mush-brained, privileged, canker sores on society.

What they're too stupid to realize is that once BLM is done destroying the businesses that serve their communities that they could very well turn on these white punks and take their aggression out on them. Might be the lesson they need.

They seem to think that they're fighting for some noble cause while, in reality, they're digging their own graves.

Oh ... and they're a bunch of cowardly chimps for hiding their faces.

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My Thoughts On Antifa!!

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