samedi 4 juillet 2020

States back in lockdown part II Is Trump (or someone else) screwing up?

A higher player at work here as ALL the blue states including here in Oregon seem to be shaking hands with each other and cheering each other on for a 'job well done' yet we are going back to ground zero (I don't mean the radio show).

I wonder if the soft opening was a teaser to see how we will comply and they planned this all along as we have all these 'thousands of cases' but won't tell us what they are actually testing.etc.

Something is VERY fishy about all this but I can't place my finger on it.

Edit: I lost my entire post and had to start over as my keyboard got hacked while typing this. On certain subjects I feel like I''m being monitored or something in which my keyboard gets REALLY slow and skips letters while offline it works just fine never misses a beat. Weird. I've been thru 3 new keyboard thinking that was the problem but nope. It's whatever is on the other end that's the issue.

Anyways it feels like someone in a spiritual level is driving things a bad way and want us to all be NPC's of a video game where we just do our programmed modes. NO independence allowed!!!

I also feel Kate Brown is grinning ear to ear about all this. They seem to happy about a supposingly 'bad' situation.

Now her 'indecisive' mode is back and she is wishy washy. I can't help but wonder if she is on something muddling her mind up.

I feel like we are entering brutal AI unprepared. Is this the REAL 2012 and our calendar was off due to the way we count?

Oregon feels like martial law land and I can't help but wonder if it will get to the point someone may try to take her out personally and if so would things end up better or worse?

First we were forced to work for the machine but now I'm afraid they are getting us ready to BE the machine!
Also I wonder if this is all possibly election BS just to scare us from voting and make us accept mail in only so they can throw the votes they don't agree with out. Then Trump has dug his own grave by not cracking down on the Obama workers that he didn't vet out.

Do you think it's time to put a bug bag over the White House or even the US and destroy the poison? Like putting a bag over a house? There's a name for it but I can't think of it. Could all this virus and election crap be God putting the bag over us?

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States back in lockdown part II Is Trump (or someone else) screwing up?

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