samedi 4 juillet 2020

Why is President Trump getting blamed for Coronavirus spreading?

Over the past few months there seems to be a common trend in leftist main stream media blaming President Trump for Coronavirus spreading. Phrases are usually along the lines of "President Trump failed to stop the spread of Coronavirus."

What is missing is what people think he should have done. Not just posting the suggestions today, but months ago. It appears writers for main stream media sat on their hands, then when Coronavirus continued to spread, President Trump was blamed.

When President Trump made suggestions, such as quarantining the Northeast everyone got in an uproar. People such as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo fought Trump on various topics to help control the spread of Coronavirus, then blamed Trump for not doing enough. If people are going to fight Trump are every turn, why even try.

It seems blue states have a policy of fight Trump at every turn, them blame Trump when something goes wrong.

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Why is President Trump getting blamed for Coronavirus spreading?

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