lundi 3 octobre 2016

Communication - Occupational Slang

Give some insight into your profession and list slang words and phrases you commonly use or have heard colleagues say. Please list the word or phrase and it's general definition. Don't worry if others may already know it, someone may not. I'll start.

Police Work

"cuff courage" - Oh, now you are going to "beat my ass"? After I handcuffed you?

"dope" - illegal drugs

"mope" - someone who hangs around an area, waiting for the cops or other witnesses to leave, in order to commit a crime.

"ride the lightning" - Getting Tasered

"a good pop" - Proactively stopping a crime

"vic" - victim

"perp" - suspect or perpetrator

"excited delerium" - a state in which someone has a high core body temperature and is out of their mind. it's characterized by nudity, punching glass, attacking people, unusual strength, bleeding, sudden death

"d.o.j." - department of the jail

"on papers" - on probation or pre-trial release conditions

"contact precautions" - they have some bad cooties

"runner" - someone who always runs away from the police

"frequent flyer" - someone who gets in trouble with the law on a regular basis

"we're not a taxi" - the reply when someone asks for a ride somewhere

"d.r.t." - dead right there

"credit card swipe" - checking the ass crack for contraband with the side of your hand

"dime bag" - a small amount of weed in a baggie, about 1 to 2 grams

"shake" - small crumbs of marijuana

"step it up" - get there FASTER

"oak shampoo" (old school) - a beating with a wooden baton

"badge bunny" - a woman who dates cops just because they are cops

"rock" - a piece of crack cocaine

"milking it" - staying on a call more than you need to, usually to avoid another one

"baker act" - in FL it is referring to the public mental health act

"bailin'" - suspect(s) are fleeing on foot from a vehicle

"drive-by" - when someone shoots from a car while driving past a location

"OoF" - out on foot, or out of the patrol car

"blue or green canary" - a police officer or deputy who runs into a situation and dies, warning others not to proceed with such recklessness

"cage" - the secure portion of a patrol car

"running code" - driving with lights and sirens

"cracked out" - high on a drug, screaming and yelling, moving around a lot

"riding the pine pony" - working a desk

"swat" - sit, wait, and talk or more commonly special weapons and tactics

"organ donor" - someone who is an accident waiting to happen

"double up" - wearing two pairs of gloves because that guy is extra nasty

"cockroaches" - all the people that scatter when a patrol car rolls up

"ETOH" - drunk (there is some official meaning, I don't know what it is"

"felon's itch" - when a suspect fidgets and scratches because they are nervous

"trippin" - high on a drug and acting weird

"got one running" - a suspect is fleeing on foot

"light em up" - deploy a Taser or shoot them (depending on context)

"dirty" - a criminal

"humping calls" - responding to call after call after call all day

"knock and talk" - knock on someone's door and talk to them

"ice" - crystal meth

"cookie" - a wafer of crack cocaine

"wet cookie" - freshly made wafer of crack cocaine

"incarceritis" - a fake illness someone suddenly contracts after being arrested

"jump out" - the take down team's job

"bravo mike" - black male

"whiskey mike" - white male

"brave foxtrot" - black female

"whiskey foxtrot" - white female

"meth head" - methamphetamine user

"mirandize" - read the person Miranda warning

"one pot" or "one pot cook" - a method of cooking methamphetamine in a bottle

"voluntold" - although they said it it was voluntary, you got told to do it anyway

"open mic" - you microphone is till transmitting and you are ****ing everyone else up

"slick top" - no overhead lights on a police vehicle

"hands on" - taking physical control of someone

"P.C." - probable cause

"hoopty" - a crappy car

"playing the game" - the interactions between cops and well experienced criminals

"traffic nazi" - someone who gives out way too many tickets and seems to like it

"got lunch taken" - got beat up

"clear it" - make sure no bad guys are inside a building

"tactical parking" - parking far away enough that the suspects don't see or hear you coming

"the chair" - a device, resembling a chair, that restrains all body movement

"rip hobble" - a device used to restrain arms and feet

"the biscuit" - your sidearm, don't drop it

"the brass" - higher ranking command staff, usually out of touch with reality

"pan handler" - a beggar

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Communication - Occupational Slang

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