jeudi 6 octobre 2016

I did not know

I did not know when I was a young'un being raised on the farm that I was survivalist. My grandpa made sure I could build a fire when I was real young (5ish). I never remember leaning how to shoot just how to be safe with a firearm. I never knew when helping out at my dads gun clubs show that buying Mil surplus (All I could afford) made me a prepper. Never knew there were any preppers until the tv show came out and folks talked about it at work. Between Rambo & Red Dawn and playn war games getting ready for the 80s Russian invasion never knew I was an odd part of society. Never knew after studying what Sherman did that I was a milita member.

One thing I knew for Dang sure was I was raised a Southern American! I was raised to be ready for any thing. Pocket knife sharp. Firearms setup and ready. All squared at home.

I got a lot of knowledge to share and I hope to help add to this forum. I have been reading on it for a while. Just took time today to join.


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I did not know

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