lundi 3 octobre 2016

Printable Tattoos. Urban Survival Game Changer.

As always, I am updating my EDC and BOB hourly and assessing operational readiness scenarios on a higher level than most.

I will now be adding printable temporary tattoos and a mobile wireless injet printer to my grey man and tactical loadouts.

This is a survival game changer.

Scenario: Your suburban neighbors are getting frisky after the first week of no daytime television and box wine. You walk into your front yard, rip off your polo shirt and reveal your 90's era tribal arm bands. **** just got real.
You are now the tribal leader of Whispering Pines Estates and have secured all post event re-population duties.

Scenario: EMP strikes while you are at Starbucks Downtown. Your Vespa is inoperable and you have to cross several blocks of gang controlled territory to get to your Ikea filled-loft.
You quickly print out and apply the applicable gang tattoos and stroll home unscathed while receiving random high fives from your new homeboys.

Scenario: You are enjoying the ballet in the fine city of Myrtle Beach during Spring Break and a terrorist strike leaves you to traverse several blocks through rowdy and dangerous Fraternity and Sorority controlled areas. You don your emergency airbrushed T shirts and print out lower back tattoos for you and your lady friend and go Grey Man.

The survival game just changed. You are welcome.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Printable Tattoos. Urban Survival Game Changer.

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