lundi 6 juillet 2020

2020 has changed my mind about a lot of stuff

2020 has been a unique year with Coronavirus, black lives matter protest, tearing down monuments... etc, we have a unique opportunity to witness a wide range of events.

Up until this point I felt humanity was inherently good. I thought that when the time came we as a society would band together for the betterment of all. I was wrong.

Whether it was Coronavirus, black lives matter being hijacked by the radical left, antifa, defunding the police... etc, we are seeing the absolute worst in certain population segments. This is not a racial issue, it is an ideological one. People who say they are tearing down monuments to slavery recently tore down a statue to Fredrick Douglas. The monument to a black man who fought against slavery was torn down and defaced. So no, this is not a movement to abolish monuments to racism and slavery. A monument to a black civil war unit was also defaced.

Then there are the Karens who freak out at every opportunity, such as the woman in New York who called the police and said a black man was threatening her, which was a lie.

The wide spread misinformation on Coronavirus is one thing that really surprised me. I felt that when there was a new disease outbreak governments would be willing to stop it, they weren't. I thought people would stay home and not group together, they didn't.

We all knew China would lie about any new outbreak and that the would be surprised, and that was true. Politics came first and people died because of it.

Guns and ammo will be sold out until at least after the election, we all knew that would happen during an election year. What surprised me was how silent the left is on gun control. When gun sales go up various leftist websites run articles talking about how dangerous gun sales are and how w need more gun control. Now that the left is arming itself, it seems gun control is a thing of the past.

What has really surprised me is the absolute hate the younger generation has for this nation. There seems to be a serious lack of national pride with the younger generation. Anyone who expresses pride for their nation is called a racist.

Changed my mind on:

People willing to work together - given the opportunity various groups used this disaster to push a far left political agenda. I lost count how many times the national guard has been called out.

People turning to violence for no reason - gun crime skyrocketed when it came out New York is cutting one billion in funding to the police Children are being shot on the streets, and parents are being shot while holding the hands of their children.

Ignoring safety measures - people ignoring social distancing, no mask... etc.

Misinformation from the CDC and WHO - they can not even agree how long Coronavirus stays in the air.

I need more canned foods. A few years ago I phased back in my canned food stockpile. I now know that was a mistake.

Confirmed my opinion:

During outbreaks of the black death, those who could afford to leave the cities fled to the country side. This same thing happened in 2020 with Coronavirus. Here in rural Southeast Texas there were license plates from New York and New Jersey. Various websites gave first hand accounts of people leaving the cities for rural areas.

With the influx of people from cities also comes the demand for resources. Local grocery stores that normally handled X amount of traffic was unable to keep up.

My seed stockpile was barely phased with planting a large garden. I still estimate I have at least 3 - 5 years of garden seeds. Seed that had been frozen for several years sprouted and grew just as good as fresh seed.

What's Next?

I want to focus more on my orchards. Someone recently gave me a couple of young fig trees, so I want to get them planted. Got some wild plum seeds, and would like to get them planted.

"Maybe" add a bolt action 270 Winchester rifle to the collection. Not real sure about this though as I have several deer rifles.

Overall, I feel I am better prepared today than I was in December 2019.

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2020 has changed my mind about a lot of stuff

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