mardi 4 octobre 2016

Teacher's aide fired for remarks made on Facebook

I look at this way if the teachers aid had said Trump is a pig on Facebook I dont think the parents or the local news would even cover it or let alone complained about it. It wouldn't even gain any traction and would pass the masses as so what. Funny how that is..

Me personally think she is a guerrilla but honestly I think thats insulting the intelligence of Guerrillas. I like to say this it was some busy body liberal mom that started the whole stink. Also hey the teachers aid is perfectly entitled to her opinion and should be able to voice it on her own Facebook page. They scream freedom of speech all the time but only when it suits their needs. Double standard in my book. Now if this was a statement the teachers aid made in class that be different but it was on her time and her private life. I dont like what people say about a lot of things but they are entitled to their opinions like anyone else. Doesn't seem the teachers aid was preaching this to the students unlike so many school teachers actually do themselves with the liberal agenda. Somehow that is also okay to preach to children but not common sense.

As far as I can tell the teachers aid did not do anything wrong. Yet we all know how this will end up her loosing her job and not being able to work in the education system again well at least not in a public one.

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Teacher's aide fired for remarks made on Facebook

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