mardi 25 octobre 2016

What I've learned in 2 years

Nearly 2 years ago I joined this site after lurking for approximately 6 months, so I could learn more about preparedness and contribute when I saw the desire to. With the amount of new members I thought I would share some of what I have learned in those 2 years.

1. BOBs are personal to the person and their situation. When I first started looking into BOBs I of course looked at recommendations for items to put in it and diligently set about procuring the items. After getting nearly everything together I realized most of the items were for outdoors survival....I live in a suburb. Make sure the items in your BOB are for your area and your skills. If you are a woodsman on a normal day then you might be able to live in the woods for a few weeks or more. If the closet you get to the great outdoors is your garden, you need to pack differently.

2. Stuff is expensive, at least if it's quality, and you don't need to buy everything right now. Make your lists, prioritize the items, and shop the garage sales and store sales. One could easily break the bank if they bought everything they thought they needed in a very short time frame.

3. Equipment doesn't make the prepper, skills do. It took me sometime to realize this, but while equipment can aid, knowing how to do things without the equipment is a fail safe. I have started learning various skills and will continue to learn.

4. Homesteading can be preparedness....if you're like me and live in a suburb and have no bugout location to go. Homesteading sites have great information about how to get the most out of a suburban yard for the long haul. Check your local laws before embarking on animals also.

5. If you do live in a suburb join the App Nextdoor. You can limit the information you provide, and it gives you a great way to see what kind of people live in your neighborhood and possibly make some friends. Some people put way to much information also, so for example I know there are 3 RNs, and at least 2 HAM operators in my neighborhood.

I think that should about do it. I wish the new people joining all the luck in their preparedness endeavors.

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What I've learned in 2 years

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