samedi 16 septembre 2017

Not a "new'' member but

I've been around here since about 2010. When i first came on here, it was suggested i get my HAM lic. Well, it never really interested me that much until just lately. So, with the help of hamstudy, I've been studying. Lots of reading, and taking the practice tests. This is of course for the Technician class. I'll be 70 in Oct, and i even amaze myself that I've been doing "pretty good'' when i do the practice tests. Actually a whole lot better than i thought I'd do. I started off knowing very little about the HAM world, and ,I've just touched the tip of the iceberg, sort of speak. I've got a long way to go, and i know that.

I know it takes time to be proficient at this, and have the right equipment, but, its interesting, and, I'm committed to really learning. I'm close to taking my test, haven't set a date as of yet. But,i feel i'm about ''there''.

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Not a "new'' member but

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