samedi 16 septembre 2017

Wife Robbed & Assaulted. Kubaton to Rescue?

I've been reluctant to share this as I seldom share personal information. Last Wednesday at 5 AM my wife was robbed and assaulted opening her car door in the parking lot where she works.

At police HQ, I saw the building's surveillance camera video perfectly located to capture the entire scene. It was clearly a premeditated act. There is a 5 foot fence surrounding the property. The video clearly shows my wife driving down the front of the building and the perp getting out of a white car running along the fence.

As my wife drove right up to the video the perp jumped the fence. She backed up into the parking spot as is her habit. The perp is seen running from her right toward the back of the car in a crouched position so as not to be seen EVEN AS she was driving backwards looking in that general direction. (Due to a neck injury she ALWAYS turns her head the other way when driving in reverse).

As she opened the door, the perp ran up and slammed it shut, putting her in a state of shock (how often do you open the car door to have it slammed shut at 5 AM?). The video continues for what was probably the longest minute of my wife's life, grabbing her by the cheeks demanding her purse. She has sore cheeks and a bruise on her chin.

More than that, her psychological sense of safety and security was stolen. The CSI got finger prints and DNA. The scenario is exactly the kind that anti-gun folks use to suppose there is futility in guns. My wife consulted a veritable expert, who sold her on a stun gun and a kubaton to always keep at the ready. Obviously, a CCW would have been totally useless in the situation she experienced, having no time to draw at all.

My son-in-law and I do not like the stun gun because it is too complicated. By contrast, I think the kubaton is her best option in such tight quarters and no time to get ready. I hope by posting this, it can cause others to prep themselves and their family against such an event.

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Wife Robbed & Assaulted. Kubaton to Rescue?

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