lundi 26 février 2018

A New, and Unfortunate Era of World History has Arrived.

DefaultA New, and Unfortunate Era of World History has Arrived.

Putin has assumed power indefinitely, overtly killing and jailing his opponents at every turn to keep his position. The voting process in Russia is now openly corrupted, compromised and finished. China's President, Xi Jing Ping has done the same this week through a bill that erases term lengths, seizing power indefinitely as China's new Maoist God Emperor in a turn of not so surprising policy change. We see the same with Merkel in Germany as she approaches 16 years of rule. "Multi-culti", now the rule of the land. Here, we are seeing in the home land the beginning of the final stage of forceful gun confiscation in America, by a government that has been steadily empowering itself, for the last 80 years, with far reaching powers and authority, the likes of which we have never seen in all of our history; nor ever should have had to expect. What I am getting at is that policy change here is really on keeping up with the "Dictatorial Jones's", the tyrannical neighbors of the world. This is the era of the super state, the beginning of 'new orders" and technological, modern feudal states. What was once prescribed as fiction and conspiracy has quickly become reality. The seeds of unending autocracy, global tyranny have been lying in wait but have now sprouted and are quickly growing their decaying and wretched roots deep into the soil. When meeting such an impasse in time, what are we to do? History will depend on what we do and don't do now. Make no mistake, you are not crazy, you are not hallucinating. This is indeed the beginning of the end of the sovereign individual.

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A New, and Unfortunate Era of World History has Arrived.

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