mardi 27 février 2018

Living in the woods, is it doable?

Hello, everyone. I lost my old account so I'm an old user but just starting fresh. I always like this board as you all are quite interesting people to chat with.

I've been tinkering with this idea I've had. I'm debating the idea of living in a Van. So it would sort of be a combination of Van life, slash... having an offgrid camp / shelter home. I'm fortunate to be living in Canada so there's lots of areas for that sort of thing.

I guess it's the type of concept that unless you just do it, you'll never really know what it's like. But I wanted to run the concept by you all for feedback.

The idea would sort of look like living in the Van / shelter for part of the year. Then in the coldest winter months my thought was I'd probably head to warmer temperatures for a while. That or just rent a room somewhere for a few months until the snow melts.

I'm just debating this. I know this is way outside the box of what I'm use to. I'm not even 100% sure if I'd do it, but right now based on everything going on it's actually 1 option that's on the table. I see a lot of videos of people on youtube living in Vans so I tend to think it's at least possible. What are your thoughts on this idea? Is this just too impractical? I know I could at least try it and see if it's even remotely for me or not. So that might be one option.

I'm just trying to gather some more information on the pro's and con's of such a move? Let me know your thoughts.

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Living in the woods, is it doable?

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