dimanche 25 février 2018

New AR Upper Caliber -Help Me Decide.

Greetings all.

Here before too long I'm going to be going to college out of state. It's a private school, and policy is that all freshmen have to live on campus. They also have a "weapon free campus" policy, which basically means that the most dangerous item you're allowed to have anywhere on school grounds is a Leatherman. Obviously as a preparedness-minded person, this causes issues. I don't like being separated from my gun collection too long.

I have a place to store some things off campus, but due to limited space I can only fit my one hard case of guns.
The case I have is technically for two scoped bolt guns, but it holds my mossberg 12gauge, Beretta 92 and an AR comfortably, with room for one extra upper. Oddly enough, I'm allowed to store ammo in my truck, so that's not an issue.

I'm a pretty avid hunter, and would like to hunt when I get time, but because of this limited space I'd have to leave either my AR or shotgun at home in order to bring a dedicated hunting rifle, and I don't like that idea.

So my best option right now seems to be another upper for my AR. But what caliber should i get. I've basically narrowed it down to four: 6.5Grendel, 6.8SPC, 7.62x39 and 300Whisper.

I'll primarily be hunting prairie dogs the first year, though I may have the chance to hunt deer on a friend's land(he would be more than willing to store it for me - for a portion of the meat). I realize that 5.56 is *technically* adequate for deer hunting, but I would rather use something that is more than just adequate. Plus, I need an excuse to buy AR parts to spite Bloomberg. So here is a list of pros and cons that I've come up with for each caliber.

6.5 Grendel

6.5mm bullets are practically magic
Ammo is fairly easy to come by
Has been used successfully by an acquaintance to harvest a deer.

Barrels seem more expensive than others on the list.
Requires new bolthead and mags


Has good energy.
Ammo is available.
Uppers are fairly inexpensive.
Have heard people claim to have killed an elk with a 6.8

Ammo is more expensive (at least in my area)
Still requires new bolt and mags


Ammo is dirt cheap and everywhere.
Has killed more deer than many people realize
Having both a 5.56 and x39 upper for an AR makes ammo compatibility issues between AK and AR owners in a group go away
Really hard to grab the wrong mag

I've heard reliability is sub-par, though I've never seen profound evidence.
Mags are harder to come by.
Requires new bolt and mags. Again.

300 Whisper/Blackout

Uses same bolt and mags
Subsonic ammo
Ammo is becoming more common/less expensive.


Not as accurate at long range(400m+), I've heard.
Most I've come across are somewhat finicky/ammo sensitive

Really, I'm kind of liking the 6.5G and 7.62 the most. The 6.5 offers better ballistics, but the 7.62 makes up for it in ammo availability and price.

Help me make up my mind!

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New AR Upper Caliber -Help Me Decide.

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