mardi 27 février 2018

Prepping in a College Dorm

Greetings all.

In a few months I'm going to be starting college out of state at a school that requires all freshmen to live on campus. Obviously, a College dorm is not an ideal prepping/storage arrangement, but it is what it is. What this means is that my vehicle is essentially going to become my bug out bag. My biggest concern with this arrangement is temperature. The school is in Montana, which means wide temperature variations through most of the year. I'm worried about condensation running my dry food stores (I plan to have ~50lbs each of corn, beans and rice, plus a few other extra calories). I know there are moisture absorption packets and such, but those only work so well, and I'm worried that nine months of winter will be too much.

Any experience/wisdom to share here? I imagine the best idea would be to try and join a group that has a place to stash my gear, but honestly at this point I don't offer many skills that could make me terribly valuable to a group. And should I be unable to find a group, I want to have a plan B to store my stuff. Ie, my truck.

I'm open to suggestions at this point.

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Prepping in a College Dorm

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