dimanche 25 février 2018

Federal Classroom Officers - a brilliant plan

I'd like to see some committee, maybe at the federal or state level, come up with a training course and tests, and of course screening criteria, that civilians could take, probably given by the sheriff's department, and once they pass the tests and are screened they are considered qualified to be armed guards in the schools. The course would have training and tests that are more or less specific to that task.

I like and respect the police, but I do not think there is something magical about being a police officer that makes them the only ones capable of defending schools from a mass killer.

I think there are many men who could do it and have enough spare time to be in the schools as armed guards, and they would probably not even need to be paid, or maybe paid some small amount. I'd think parents and grandparents of the school kids especially would be more than willing to pay for the course and guard the schools. I know I would.

Teachers and other adults working at schools could take the same course and then be qualified to carry. I think it makes sense to have a dedicated guard whose only job is being a guard, but teachers, principals, coaches, and others like them would be very valuable as a backup to the guard (or guards).

This kind of thing is workable and would do much to alleviate this plague of mass school shootings we are experiencing. And for that reason liberal bigots will be strongly against it. But those who care about the safety of our kids should support the idea.

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Federal Classroom Officers - a brilliant plan

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