mardi 27 février 2018

Just one more...

I recently wrote this in memory of our son. Its intended to remind us that we are never guaranteed the next breath.

Just One More

By Glenn Williams

Just one more story Momma, pleaded the little boy
And then I’ll go to sleep.
Go to bed now Son
The story will have to keep

Just one more drink Momma, pleaded the boy
And then I’ll go to sleep.
Go to bed now Son
Don’t make a peep

Just one more game Momma, pleaded the boy
And then I’ll go to bed
Go to bed now son
Playtime is over I said

Just one more hour Momma, pleaded the boy
And then I’ll come home
Come home now son
Its too late to roam

Just one more goodbye pleaded the momma
A goodbye to my heart
My soul is shattered
Pain off the chart

Just one more kiss pleaded the momma
A last kiss from my son
He’s gone too soon
No joy under the sun

Just one more hug begged the momma
A good hug from my child
He’s gone too soon,
No more running wild

Just one more breath cried the momma
Just one more breath for my lad
He’s gone too soon
Life is so sad

Just one more second cried the momma
Let this one second pass
I’ll take the next breath
I have no choice, alas.

Give me peace, she cried unto God
My heart is broken
My life without joy
My spirit is broken

Give me comfort Lord, she begged
You know my sorrow
You see all my pain
I feel there’s no tomorrow

Peace, my child, said God
Know that I am here
Come into my arms
I’ll wipe your tear

My angels surround you, said God
They protect you at night
No one will harm you
No one will give you fright

My children will help you, said God
To get through the day
They know of your loss
They know the way

Fear not, said God
I took your son home
He is no longer in pain
Your son is not alone

Rejoice in me, said God
You shall be together again
You will weep tears of joy
At your journey end

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Just one more...

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