samedi 24 février 2018

'See something, say something...' How about the 'Do Something' part?

How long have we heard the big-government mantra of "See something, say something?"

Many liberals/progressives/socialists support these efforts, where people report crimes and suspicious behavior to and local law enforcement; the thought being, of course, individuals do not need to arm themselves to protect themselves, as the government will provide for our safety.

Well, looks like plenty off people saw something and reported it with the latest deranged school killer.

But law enforcement, the FBI and Like most government services, either laziness, corrupt behavior, malfeasance or simple bureaucratic ineptitude failed its citizens, once again.

This is why most normal Americans will never give up on our support of the Second Amendment.

In addition to the historical examples of what occurs when a leftist government disarms its populace and the atrocities that follow, I know the government will never be able to protect me as well as I can protect myself.

And while I also support a strong military and local law enforcement, the actions of our politicized national police reaffirm my belief that law enforcement on the federal level is simply too corrupt to become involved in policing Americans...

Let's block ads! (Why?)

'See something, say something...' How about the 'Do Something' part?

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