jeudi 22 février 2018

Would You Trust Government with Gun Law Ideas?


Originally Posted by Hick IndustriesView Post
School shootings make me sick. So did the Fast and Furious Scandal.

I've been watching the news and the meeting Trump held at the White House, and I believe he honestly wants to strike a fair balance between Our Gun Rights, and Our Kids Safety. I believe I could offer reasonable suggestions that would work.

Then we have already lost.

"Our Gun Rights" has nothing whatsoever to do with "Our Kids Safety".

The fact that you think they DO relate, means you have bought the leftist BS they've been pushing for so long.


Originally Posted by Hick IndustriesView Post
Trouble is, I don't trust the politicians of either party, and I especially don't trust Homeland Security, the ATF, or the FBI to administer any new gun laws. Not under this administration, and certainly under a future Democratic Administration.

So without even describing My Idea (since this is an open forum), would you trust the folks in Washington with any new Gun Law Ideas?

And no, I would not trust any of them, at all...they have absolutely no authority to "make gun laws", despite what the courts have said in the past.

The entire thing is unconstitutional, they knew that, and THAT is why they used commerce trade and other areas of the law to effectively do what is unconstitutional, and regulate guns.

It says...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED... there is NOTHING there that says "unless too many people go crazy and start killing kids."

You want to protect kids? Fix the crazy, fix society, don't take away my rights.

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Would You Trust Government with Gun Law Ideas?

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