samedi 24 février 2018

Fish meds to the rescue for tooth infection!

Friday evening had a tooth infection, inflammation it was painful and looked like I got punched in the face. It was quite bad.

Dentists were closed by then and of course you have The weekend, no dentist will be available to help.

So I had a choice, die of Septic shock. or go to the internet and order Fish Cin from fishmoxfishflex and pay the 40 bucks for Saturday morning delivery. Total cost a little over 90 bucks. for a bottle of 100 pills

The Fish Cin arrives in the morning (Thomas Labs Clindamycin 150mg pills)

Well it comes in, (I was quite bad by the morning could not open my jaw all the way without feeling discomfort from the inflammation).

Took a loading dose of 600mg, 300mg every 6 hours.

Huge relief, It cut down the swelling by a big amount. Feel much better. It is obviously having the intended effect.

By Monday I should be able to go to the Dentist and get the situation taken care of. But at least I am controlling the infection.

Kind of funny to have a bottle with a nice picture of a Fish as my medication.

BTW: Do not take antibiotics for things like the flu or a cold, they will not help and could make things worse. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections like a tooth abscess or a wound infection or strep throat etc..

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Fish meds to the rescue for tooth infection!

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