samedi 24 février 2018

Catholic Arrogance?

Don't get me wrong, noticing that post title. I'm no Roman Catholic hater (I know there's a few out there).My own grandson was baptized Roman Catholic.
I love the RC church. Although Protestant, I consider it my "Mother Church". Catholicism/Anglican/Methodist.

I listen regularly to my local RC radio station. They often feature those who left Mainline Protestant and Evangelical churches, and act as if you are not a Catholic you are just second-class, your faith is not effective, you are in danger of displeasing God, etc. Yesterday they were berating Luther (a common theme) saying he totally made up his doctrine, no scriptural basis, out of thin air as it were. They constantly knock Protestantism because of the many denominations. The RC Church is exclusive, it is, there's no Communion offered to non-RC.

All seems rather silly to me. I do believe that the Christian Church is one. We most all believe in the Trinity, the Divinity of Jesus, and while we are all not 'Creedal' churches we often recite the Creed. Even non-Trinitarianism, is it so bad to simply accept God the Father? Will God (who desires all to be saved) say when one approaches Heaven, "get outta here' you only loved me, and not Jesus"? My feelings are very ecumenical, I feel our differences are generally minor ones, such as the Filioque dispute. That's still being bandied around. It seems just prideful. In my Methodist church we say at communion, "This is not a Methodist table, this is God's table, and all who repent of their sins are welcome". Of course Protestants have our failings, as does the RC Church.

The variety of denominations maybe is a blessing, folks can worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Truth and Spirit, in a setting and in a way, style, which speaks to their heart the best. I consider the Holy Spirit is equally present in a great many rather diverse churches and denominations, both large and small, and is pleased that it is so.
Let the church be a 'big tent'.

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Catholic Arrogance?

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