dimanche 25 février 2018

It has been one heckuva week!

Our week ended up with an emergency call out and a trip/day in the ER, DH is resting comfortably in the hospital tonight.
He passed out this morning and in the process, gashed his forehead, has a shiner and a badly bruised cheek and a fractured thumb. I put the blood pressure cuff on him and when it alerted for irregular heartbeat, I called 911, told them his vitals and status. When the EMTs arrived, they put an EKG on him and said it looked like he was in atrial fibrillation and gave him some meds to get that under control before putting him in the ambulance. At the hospital they did blood tests and a CAT scan today, no elevated enzymes - so assuming no loss of blood to the heart, CAT showed no injuries. Cardiologist is putting him on some a-fib meds, said an episode like this could cause a stroke. More tests and med tweaking tomorrow. Thanking our lucky stars and sending up prayers that this wasn’t worse.

Yesterday a grand nice gave birth to another great grand nephew! The family continues to grow and blend. I hope the world straightens out some (quite a bit!) for the generations coming up.

My son and his family have been fighting the flu that causes issues both ends... had been helping out there through the week.

Thursday my last Aunt passed away after having a massive stroke on Monday. She was 95, married 78 years to her husband who is still living and 103! A good long run and she taught much if the family you can get through most everything if you keep a sense of humor about it. My memories of her are always smiles and many jokes!

I’m the youngest in the generation born to both of my parents families..and from the aunts and uncles. We lost another cousin this week too, he is a Korean War vet and had been an independent proprietor of an auto salvage business in his region. It supported and continues to support several families, and has a few subsidiaries as well. He is from the time and generations of folks who noticed a need and set out to do something about it.

It’s been quite a week of ups and downs, celebrations of life and inconveniences of illness.

After all of that and working “for the man”... I’m a bit tired....

Hoping for this next week to be quiet.....

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It has been one heckuva week!

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