samedi 24 février 2018

The tide has turned against the NRA, multiple companies cancelled partnerships

OP, I concur. You have it covered. From here on out the NRA will be looked on like a drug dealer with a side business of peddling kiddy porn.

On another forum someone complained they have a gun hating politician in office. They tried to vote him out, but they can't.

That is not only going to be that guys problem, it is going to be all of America's conservative voters problem shortly.

CA for a prime example. Since 1992 CA has voted for a Dem Prez. CA is the Dem's model for the entire country. CA is under Dem and Mexico's rule with little hope of ever having the Reps regain control again.

When you add all the pockets of Dem support it will overwhelm the shrinking rural conservative, religious, pro life loving, gun loving Rep supporters.

The trends shows a decline in rural living and an increase in city living. City dwellers lean to the Democratic vote, rural dwellers tend towards a Republican vote. Conservative policies are just not popular any longer with the upcoming Millennial / Gen Z'ers.

Guns are hated by a good portion of America, the gun haters vote Dem with the hopes of gun confiscation.

Legalizing dope is a cornerstone of Dem politics, the dope heads vote Dem with the hopes of getting high 24/7 with easy and cheap access to dope.

Pro choice lovers vote Dem.

Atheists overwhelmingly vote Dem. The decline of traditional church goers (religiosity) in America is dramatic.

Homosexuals, Lesbians and Transsexuals overwhelmingly vote Dem.

Outcasts, Artist's & Bohemians vote Dem.

The white vote is shrinking and will be the minority vote in the USA soon. Whites were a big chunk of the 'hopeful' votes for the Reps.

Mexicans overwhelmingly vote Dem.

Do Illegals vote? If they do...they will vote Dem.

Blacks overwhelmingly vote Dem.

Asians overwhelmingly vote Dem.

Immigrants overwhelmingly vote Dem.

Women are on the move as never before, women's hope is to control the vote in the USA. Women vote Dem in much larger numbers than women vote Rep. Most women are gun haters, about 12% of the women own guns. Their dream is to disarm America.

Healthcare is something neither party can do effectively in the USA...but which party at least tried to offer a toothpick of useless healthcare...the Dems. Anyone that has 'dreams' of affordable healthcare has to vote Dem. (But dreams are all they will ever get whether it is Dem or Rep.

Living expenses are skyrocketing in America. The minimum wage workers in the US are only 3% to 4%, but the Reps have shown little interest in raising the min wage and some Reps are even for abolishing it. With hopes of making enough money to live in a closet and be able to buy a few cans of dog food, where will the min wage worker lean? Many elections are lost just by a few % of the votes, it could be the minimum wage vote that accounts for the tipping point for a Dem success.

As the robots, illegals and new immigrants take the jobs, the middle class will keep shrinking. The Reps have no record of looking out for the middle class, the Reps are the party of big business. The Dems have a history of entitlement handouts and throwing crumbs to the poor. As the middle class turns into the newly minted poor, they will look towards the Dems for handouts to just try and survive.

You hear it all the time on the TV with the kids saying they will vote out the NRA supported politicians and they will change the system when they get into politics.

Unless something unforeseen happens, the future trend looks dim for the 2A and guns.

If it was practical, the US should split into 2 groups. The Republican States of America and the Democratic States of America. I have a hard time seeing how the Reps can live under perpetual Dem rule that is forecasted. For as the Reps become the minority, the Dems will keep pushing to repeal the 2A and confiscate the guns. This may not happen for a long time, but this is an area they will continue to work on to disarm America.

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The tide has turned against the NRA, multiple companies cancelled partnerships

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