jeudi 22 février 2018

Raising age limits to 21

If we are raising the age limit to 21 for anything, it should be voting; having heard the emotional, juvenile, illogical, uneducated, and incoherent statements of teenagers on TV - some shouting for violence against opposition - it's clear that these children should not be voting.

If you've watched these teenagers, they are so clearly under-developed mentally. While the shooting(s) in schools are horrific, these kids are extremely fragile and ruled by emotion. No logic. No critical thinking. Just calls for bans, which of course as we all know don't work.

It's scary that these kids are apparently not really taught anything useful in school - like world or US history - apparently. If they were, they'd quickly realize that prohibition didn't work, drug wars don't work, laws against texting while driving don't work, and so forth. Their classmate was willing to break dozens of serious laws, so why would any of them believe a law banning a gun would have made any difference? Even if he was magically prevented from a gun, he could have easily substituted a different weapon of choice...

Time to seriously consider a voting age increase to 21 in my opinion, when children are more mentally developed and have some world experience.

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Raising age limits to 21

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