mardi 27 février 2018

Prager University Sues Google

Conservative Nonprofit PragerU Is Suing Google for Alleged Discrimination
Prager University, a conservative nonprofit that creates educational videos, is suing Google for allegedly discriminating against the digital media organization for its fairly moderate ideological slant.

Specifically, PragerU is accusing YouTube, which is owned by Google parent company Alphabet, of restricting or “demonetizing” videos even though they all appear to be innocuous and compliant with the platform’s rules.
PragerU’s videos include former and current professors and scholars from Stanford, Harvard, and Yale, like Alan Dershowitz; prominent athletes like Cobi Jones; popular celebrities like Mike Rowe; and influential figures like Steve Forbes. The majority of the people featured—sans political commentator Dinesh D’Souza—are not usually considered exceptionally controversial. Neither are a lot of the topics, some of which are likely studied in classrooms across the country.

Topics include “Is the Death Penalty Moral” and “The Progressive Income Tax.”

“If you’ve seen any of our videos, they’re very educational, and are very appropriate for ‘young viewers,’” said Craig Strazzeri, chief marketing officer for PragerU, addressing accusations from Google.

Google's been quietly demonetizing conservative channels & putting them on "Restricted Mode" for some time. Seems to be accelerating, that even a fairly moderate conservative such as Dennis Prager and his brainchild (PragerU) can be so affected.

Here's a pretty good article at the Daily Caller on this very subject:
Conservative And Independent YouTube Channels Hit By Censorship And Demonetization

[Yes, I know that Google is a private company, and can do whatever the hell they want with their websites and their property.... Not challenging that they can do it. Just putting this out there as information for discussion, in case anyone has any delusions that Google is "just an search engine" or "just an information company". -- clocker]

Everyone know that the Left hates our 2nd Amendment. And, they supposedly loves the 1st Amendment (evidence, the ACLU)... That is, when it suits and serves them. When conservatives exerce their 1st Amendment rights, they're labelled haters, bigots, homophobes, Islamophobes, sexists, and everything under the sun. Now, there appears to be evidence that the Left is silencing conservative voices altogether (or putting them at a distinct disadvantage and de-incentivizing them) on Youtube and other forms of social media.

Best of luck to PragerU. And to any others similarly mistreated.

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Prager University Sues Google

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