mercredi 21 février 2018

How do you handle rage?

I spend a good portion of my day really angry. More so than usual lately of course but its been a lifelong problem. Some days its almost overwhelming. Some days I don't actually care about survival...just about making them HURT! Sometimes its so overwhelming I feel like I can't breath. Most days I really don't care about surviving, I just want to live long enough watch it all burn.

I keep shutting myself of from more and more people, TV, News, radio facebook but I can't become a total hermit....but every-time I have any contact with the normal world I often end up feeling so angry just want to kill everyone. My tolerance seems to fading, or people seem to becoming worse. I've broken off friendships of thirty years lately, and not even cared as it seems most of the people I used to know are now vile strangers, or traitorous scum.

I fear eventually it will take me down if SHTF doesn't come soon enough.

SB forum is just about the only 'social' setting I can interact with at this point without almost immediately becoming so angry I turn off my computer. Prepping as an interest seems to filter out 90% of the rest of the worlds scum and leave behind people who I can actually talk to.

So how do you live in the world believing the things you do without constantly being overwhelmed with hate?

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How do you handle rage?

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