dimanche 5 juillet 2020

Are We Some Where Between ROL and WROL?

Are We Some Where Between ROL and WROL?

Sometimes I lull myself into thinking it would be a sudden event, like 9-11 or the bombing of Pearl Harbor, that would set things off.

Is SHTF really something that creeps in, much more slowly, like a fog?

After Corona hit, people stayed home, and even cops weren't pulling people over for traffic violations. Fast forward, at least in the cities, and cops have been pulled back and stifled by politicians. There still may be ROL, on the books, but it seems far less robust. I don't blame cops either, because they don't know if the next call is a fake-out in order to shoot at them.

Are we in limbo right now? If so, what does it take to realize ROL is disappearing and WROL is the new paradigm?

Does it take a huge news story? An entire Police force to walk out, sick out?
More fires more rioting? Instead of statues, they drop something big?
Or is a slow burn that you don't really see on a day to day basis?

And, of course, how do you recognize it and prepare for it?

I'll weigh in, but don't want to sway the discussion in the first post.

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Are We Some Where Between ROL and WROL?

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