mardi 7 juillet 2020

Sights for an AR

Let's come to an understanding before I ask my question.....

The AR platform is a very good home defense weapon. To that point, I guess I don't understand why some drop 24x scopes on the gun.

If we found ourselves in a horrible situation here in the ole USA, be it Civil War 2, or an invasion from an outside power.... how would you want your AR outfitted for sights? Let's not assume you own an AR.... Let's just be hypothetical.... that if you owned an AR....

For me, I am thinking someone would want their gun able to quickly engage in close quarters. Urban combat certainly isn't a place for a 24x scope, unless you are on a rooftop, shooting across town.

I wonder if open sites are the best. I wonder which are best and the most rugged?


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Sights for an AR

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