lundi 5 février 2018

Intentionally having fake gold/silver during SHTF?

I have an old friend who's recently learnt about SHTF-stuff and suddenly think he knows 1000x more than me who's been prepping for over a decade,

one of the thing that frustrates me the most is how he has almost zero preps whatsoever yet he thinks his gold/silver will save him during SHTF. After a year of going around in circles on this topic I've given up, he's in some sort of gold madness mindset that cannot be cured.

At this point he has gotten me to admit that for bartering post-SHTF PM's (precious metals) aren't completely garbage (I would rather have ammo to barter but sure, PMs are better than nothing), but that got me thinking, if there is a small chance that PM's might be useful post-SHTF, wouldn't it be better to just manufacture it fake?

I'm not actually going to do it, I have more important preps on my todo list, but just out of curiosity, with the lack of proper gold evaluation stores and equiptment, would anyone really know the difference?

I remember as a kid we used to spray paint stones in gold and pretend they were a treashure, now THAT probably wouldn't fool anyone. but what about if you 3d printed a gold coin mold and pored some yellow looking metal into it, wouldn't that be able to fool 99% of people?

Again I'm not gonna do it, I'm mostly just curious that if it would be easy to fake, then I certainly call BS on this idea of super expensive gold coins being very useful post-SHTF.

PS. I realize there are some SHTF situations where society rises again quickly afterwards and THEN having gold might be useful (assuming you had enough preps to last you through the hard times), but I'm more talking about a pessimistic future here or this theory of bartering for food using silver coins during a crisis

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Intentionally having fake gold/silver during SHTF?

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