mercredi 7 février 2018

Kindle books a scheme

I have used Kindle for just about a year now. Just got off the phone with Amazon and they are ripping us off.

So last night I was in an area out of cell service due to remoteness. Thought I'd access one of my books on my Android S7. All I got was a notification that no network was available. Huh? Why do I need cell service to read something I purchased?

Turns out I had 27 books in my library, but only 3 of them had actually been "downloaded" to my device. So most of my books were actually in the cloud. So to have them on my phone, I needed to go back through and download each of them individually (who knew? I bought them and they showed in my library, why weren't they automatically downloaded?)

So then, while I had the guy on the phone, I asked him where the files were stored on my phone, and he said on internal storage,so as we talked I was looking, and under Kindle it showed 0, though at least 3 should have been there. I wanted to store them on the SD card so they were safe.

Turns out you can't move them. So their answer to the question "what happens if I drop my phone from a high place and it explodes" was that no problem, it's in the cloud!

We all know you can't rely on the Internet to always be there, or to not be controlled by TPB, so I'd bet most of you are like me. You store them on media or have the analog version of your info/data so it is always available.
Or what if their server complex was taken out?

Can't do that on Kindle with an Android or laptop or a desktop.

So where they TELL you you are purchasing it, in actuality you are REALLY paying an access fee. Buying to own and do with as you wish, and paying an access fee so they maintain control are two different things.

If you were only to buy their Kindle device however, you MAY be able to move your books to other media.

That might be going from fraud to extortion.

So no more Kindle for me. Either PDFs or actual books for me now.

Though they did (3 to 7 days) return my money for all my access fees charged, I am ****ed at the deception. Up to now I had always enjoyed Kindle. Wish I could uninstall the app from my phone, but once there always there; best you can do is disable it.

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Kindle books a scheme

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