dimanche 4 février 2018

Over Population

Almost all of the posts in this section are related to over population, yet rarely are they discussed within the particular thread.

Today, I read 2 threads on water shortages (Ca, and Capetown). All the articles I read related to each all point to various points such as drought, not enough storage reservoirs, over use of water by individuals, crops that are not water efficient, climate change... Any and all of the prior may be true, but none discuss the cause. Human over population.

This can be extended to almost any crisis we face as a global community. Too much carbon dioxide being created = too many people. Food shortages = too many people. Deforestation = too many people. Emerging illnesses found deep in jungles becoming problematic for humans = too many people. I would even suggest war is a result of too many people living too close to one and other as they fight for various limited resources.

Most of all of our problems can be pinned on having too many people living on this rock. Every effort is made to extend the life of indivduals globally through importation of food, medicine, vaccines, shelters relocation practices, improved general wellness and health education services... So even when people would naturally die of natural causes, we intervene prolong their life and the cycle of human growth.

Global human population continues to grow. The only decline in population since WW2 happened with the tsunami that hit Thailand 2004, which was a blip on the radar.

Perhaps today we are not at capacity, but at some point, the caloric needs and resource needs of the people collectively will be greater than what can be supplied by the farmed land. It seems we are starting to see this happening.

Food shortages and water shortages will cause many to relocate, stressing the resources of their new neighborhood - and so on.

I suspect countries suffering from their own overpopulation problems will aim to solve it through war. This accomplishes 2 things at the same time. It expands territory and resource availability while reducing the aggregate needs of their citizens through reduced population from the effects of war.

Looking at countries who have problems such as this, China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Japan all come to mind...

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Over Population

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