mercredi 7 février 2018

Almost 5000 Americans killed!


Originally Posted by leadcounselView Post

You're logic somehow shifts the conversation to say, "But Americans do it too..." That is both false (not to the extent of illegals, which are by definition 100% law breakers, but are also responsible for vastly disproportionately greater % and severity of crimes) and a red herring.

"But Americans do it too" is an excuse, not a logical argument, and its not at all what I said.
Illegal immigrants commit the same "rape, murder, etc" crimes in the same demographic percentages as the rest of the population.


And rather than a personal attack,
The difference between an attack on your logic and a personal attack is that I'm not attacking you as a person, just the logic presented. I haven't called you a loser, a hater, a bigot, or any other derogatory type of name calling.
Unlike most others in these forums, I recognize that I don't know you, have never met you, and have no idea who or what you are. Attacking what you say is very different than attacking you personally.


maybe you'd like to enlighten me on the alleged benefits to allowing illegals to remain here? The cost to lawful citizens is fairly high in terms of deaths, disproportionate crimes, wage deflation, tax evasion, and so forth.

So how do legal American citizens benefit from this high cost?

As I see it, the logic is pretty darn straight-forward. If the illegals weren't here, we'd have less of what I listed.

Please bestow your intelligence upon us all, on how 11 million illegal immigrants (or whatever the real figure is) benefits us.

Again, more flawed logic, but this one is easy to show you how its flawed in a way that you can't possibly argue with.

I never said, implied, or hinted that I though there were alleged benefits to letting illegals remain here, I just pointed out that your statements about the crimes they committed, which implied they commit more crimes than the rest of the population per capita, is seriously flawed, with one exception as I pointed out, that they are here illegally.

If you want morons to listen to your arguments (and I can certainly understand if that's the case!), you can preach to the choir all day long, but if you want intelligent people, capable of thinking for themselves to listen to your arguments, you'll need to remove the flaws in the arguments.

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Almost 5000 Americans killed!

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