mardi 6 février 2018

Hi from New Zealand

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to introduce myself and give some background to what got me into survivalism .
Where do I start? I was born and grew up in Scotland, graduated as an Engineer and worked in construction since my early twenties, decided to emigrate to New Zealand with my Girlfriend 8 years ago, after I saw what was happening in the UK during the GFC.

There are 2 Islands that make up New Zealand, North and South, and we initially settled in the South Island in a city called Christchurch around 2010. Stared working for a tunnelling company, and about a month after starting the city was hit by a magnitude 6.9 Earthquake. Most of New Zealand sits on the pacific ring of fire and earthquakes are not uncommon, around parts of the North Island, there are also very active volcanic and geothermal areas, however Christchurch did not sit on a recorded fault line and earthquakes here were very uncommon, ( the quake was a new fault at had not previously been discovered ) so lots of buildings and infrastructure was destroyed, as well as killing 185 people, and leaving half the city without power, running water or sewage
Up until then I had not been survival minded, however this event really opened my eyes as to how quickly things can go from normal to bat***t crazy. As it turned out we were very luckily, our rental property was in the western part of the city, which still had power, water sewage, the eastern part of the city wasn't so lucky.
We stayed in Christchurch for the better part of 2 years, and I worked on demolition, emergency repairs and the start of he cities rebuild, which is still ongoing 8 years later. However after receiving permanent residency we decided to leave and settle in the North Island, closer to the largest city Auckland. The experience really changed my mindset, and even after leaving Christchurch I started looking at always having food, water and other items at hand in the event of an emergency. Auckland does not have earthquakes, though there is a Tsunami risk from all around the pacific and tsunami warnings are not uncommon.

I decided that we needed to become more self sufficient and have made steps to make sure that I the event of any other disaster we will be prepared for the worst and get through without having to rely on Government assistance etc.
Purchased a property about an hour North of Auckland and have been slowly turning it as self sufficient as possible, already have our own water supply and looking to have some livestock on the property shortly, already have our neighbours stock grazing. Looking to set up solar and/or wind turbine to try to get off grid power, within the next several years.

Look forward to reading and discussing ideas with everyone here, keen to learn what I can and share my experiences insights, where I can.


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Hi from New Zealand

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