samedi 3 février 2018

No Classified Matl in Memo

This is very disturbing. Deception is the basic tool of evildoers. Jonathon Turley, Professor of George Washington University explains that our classification system has long been rumored to avoid embarrassment. Or in this case, to hide blatant incompetence and rank corruption. So, what is classified material and what is it not? Classified material is not whatever someone authorized to classify material says it is!

In the Nunes FISA memo, it reported that former Deputy Director McAbe said behind close doors that without the Russian dossier, paid for by Clinton and the DNC, they never would have got or even sought the FISA warrant. This is not classified material. If I said that it is cloudy behind closed doors, that is not classified material either.

Classified material has to do with epistemology - how do you know this information, this intelligence? If we know that Putin had chicken dinner last night because it was widely reported, that is not classified material. On the other hand, if we know this because we have ways and means that would be exposed and endangered, then that would be classified. If Putin only had dinner with 3 people, revealing that information would expose the leaker as among a select group of people.

So, putting aside the specific corruption and weaponizing of the DOJ, FBI and IRS under Obama against Trump, the general abuse of power is seen in these corrupt public servants classifying what is inherently NOT even classified material. Talk about transparency, Freedom of Information Act violations! Integrity matters. Are you also disturbed by this?

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No Classified Matl in Memo

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