samedi 3 février 2018

The true cost of prepping...

I was thinking about the psychology behind prepping and the financial cost of peace of mind. I found an excerpt from a psychologist and noticed all of the people I know who consider themselves"survivalists" fit the description in this except. I was curious to see how many people here relate to his description. Where do you stand?

"When you sort out the reasonable "forward planning" and contingency planning behaviors from the neurotic, you begin to see that some of the more extreme examples of survivalism as psychological compensation rituals. Compensation is a coping mechanism used to unconsciously or consciously balance feelings of inadequacy, weakness of failure in one area of life by emphasizing competence strength, success and power in another area, or areas. My belief is that many individuals and families suffered trauma during the economic downturn, commonly because of their failure to plan; relying on debt and short term behavioral strategies to enhance their social status. Hoarding commodities, arming oneself for extreme scenarios, "saving" goods for the future, and conjuring apocalyptic end states compensates for previous periods of profligacy, simple minded naivete, wastefulness and "don't worry be happiness" which undermined their ability to adapt and remain resilient in "the real world". To the degree that a period of actual financial, health, and physical goods re-alignment takes place, survivalism should be seen to be a valuable constellation of behaviors. To the degree that survivalists become fixated on "fat tail" contingencies and thus sacrifice real world benefits (say, by investing all their retirement funds in thousands of rounds of ammunition, freeze dried food and by buying "bug-out compounds" in Idaho), then it is neurotic."

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The true cost of prepping...

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